Autumn/Winter 2024 Covid and Flu
It might still be summertime, but we’re busy planning for the Autumn/Winter vaccination programme. Please see below for eligibility and dates. All vaccination sessions are at the surgery this year.
Patients eligible for these vaccines will receive a text message from the surgery with a code to book an appointment. Please help us by ensuring your contact details are up to date. If you do not wish to have a vaccine you will also have the option to reply to the text message to decline the offer and we won’t bother you again (until next year). If you don’t have a mobile number, you will need to contact the surgery where one of our reception team will be happy to book you an appointment.
Flu Vaccines
Offered from 1st September 2024:
- Pregnant women.
- All children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2024.
- Primary school aged children (from Reception to Year 6) – NB via school vaccination programme.
- Secondary school aged children (from Year 7 to Year 11) – NB via school vaccination programme.
- All children in clinical risk groups aged from 6 months to less than 18 years.
Offered from October 2024:
- Those aged 65 years and over.
- Those aged 18 years to under 65 years in clinical risk groups.
- Those in long-stay residential care homes.
- Carers in receipt of carers allowance, or those who are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person.
- Close contacts of immunocompromised individuals.
- Frontline workers in health or social, either in a clinical or non clinical setting.
- Personal assistants employed by those in receipt of direct payments.
Covid Vaccines
- Adults aged 65 years and over.
- Residents in a care home for older adults.
- Individuals aged 6 months to 64 years in a clinical risk group.
- Frontline NHS and social care workers, and those working in care homes for older people.
- Patients with a weakened immune system.
Saturday 7th September
Saturday 14th September
Tuesday 17th September
Thursday 19th September
Saturday 21st September
Monday 23rd September
Wednesday 25th September
Saturday 28th September
Monday 30th September
Tuesday 1st October
Thursday 3rd October
Saturday 5th October
Monday 7th October
Wednesday 9th October
Thursday 10th October
Saturday 12th October
Monday 14th October
Tuesday 15th October
Wednesday 16th October
Saturday 19th October
Larwood Surgery
Wednesday 23rd October
Saturday 26th October
Monday 28th October
Tuesday 29th October
Wednesday 30th October
Thursday 31st October
Friday 1st November
Saturday 2nd November
Tuesday 5th November
Wednesday 6th November
Thursday 7th November
Saturday 9th November
Tuesday 12th November
Wednesday 13th November
Thursday 14th November
Saturday 16th November
Monday 18th November
Wednesday 20th November
Saturday 23rd November
Monday 25th November
Larwood Surgery
Tuesday 26th November
Wednesday 27th November
Friday 29th November
Saturday 30th November
Tuesday 10th September
Monday 16th September
Monday 23rd September
Tuesday 1st October
Tuesday 8th October
Tuesday 22nd October
Monday 28th October
Monday 11th November
Thursday 28th November
Monday 9th September
Friday 20th September
Friday 4th October
Thursday 10th October
Monday 14th October
Tuesday 22nd October
Friday 8th November
Thursday 14th November
Tuesday 19th November
Thursday 28th November
Wednesday 11th September
Tuesday 24th September
Tuesday 8th October
Monday 14th October
Monday 21st October
Monday 4th November
Thursday 7th November
Monday 11th November
Tuesday 12th November
Monday 18th November
Friday 22nd November